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          加速審核提交被通過優(yōu)先級最高的理由是 Bug,其次是有較明確目標(biāo)的敏感事件;


          最近公司的應(yīng)用申請了兩次加速審核,一勝一敗。一次有較大的 Bug 并寫明了重現(xiàn)方式和解決措施,另一次失敗,現(xiàn)在還在總結(jié)并尋找更好的方式。

           什么是 App Store 加速審核呢?


          Expedited App Review
          If you face extenuating circumstances, you can request the review of your app to be expedited. These circumstances include fixing a critical bug in your app on the App Store or releasing your app to coincide with an event you are directly associated with.

          Urgent Bug Fix
          If you've submitted an update to fix a critical bug in your app on the App Store and you are requesting an expedited review, be sure to include the steps to reproduce the bug on the current version of your app.

          Time-Sensitive Event
          For apps associated with an event, we recommend you plan and schedule the release of your app in iTunes Connect. However, if your app is still in review and the launch of your event is quickly approaching, you can request to have your app review expedited. When submitting your request, it's important to include the event, date of the event, and your app's association with the event.

          Please Note: Expedited reviews are granted on a limited basis and we cannot guarantee that every request will be expedited. Sign in to request an expedited review.

          簡單說,加速審核是一種不需要等待時間的審核方式。因?yàn)檎5膶徍朔绞?需要應(yīng)用開發(fā)者等待 7 天左右(甚至更久)??焖賹徍司褪亲屇闾^了這個等待的過程。

          那么,這么好的方式該在什么時候用呢?上面的引用中提到了兩種情況“緊急問題修復(fù)(Urgent Bug Fix)”和“敏感事件(Time-Sensitive Event)”。在開始的時候,我提到了一些內(nèi)容,在這里和大家講一下這兩種情況的具體情況。

          緊急問題修復(fù)(Urgent Bug Fix)

          顧名思義,因?yàn)槟愕膽?yīng)用有了問題,而且是重大的 Bug,影響了用戶體驗(yàn)。這里和大家提一下,Bug 原因要慎用,頻率也要注意。

          首先是 Bug 確實(shí)是個重大的、影響用戶體驗(yàn)的問題;其次你要說明 Bug 再上一版本中如何重現(xiàn)(the steps to reproduce the bug)以及你的解決方案(Solution);

          再次,Bug 也是一把雙刃劍,請不要總是以 Bug 原因提交快速審核,那樣官方遲早會忽略你,給你發(fā)個拒絕郵件的(見下文);最后,頻率一定要注意,這個我現(xiàn)在還在摸索。

          敏感事件(Time-Sensitive Event)


          用英文申請(Request the Review in English)

          不管是“緊急問題修復(fù)(Urgent Bug Fix)”和“敏感事件(Time-Sensitive Event)”,有一個點(diǎn)事都需要注意的,請使用英文來提交加速審核的原因,因?yàn)樗麄儗徲⑽奶峤坏纳暾?。我們第一次就提了中?結(jié)果被拒了。



          快速審核的流程是這樣的:正常提交 App Store 審核進(jìn)入“In Review”狀態(tài)后;通過“快速審核”提交;提交后如果通過快速審核,應(yīng)用講不需要等待直接進(jìn)入審核;然后就能知道是不是可以上架了。

          是否通過快速審核一般需要幾個小時到十幾個小時,建議國內(nèi)晚上 10 點(diǎn)左右提交,因?yàn)榱璩?2-3 點(diǎn),你就可以收到反饋了(我們的 2 次操作就是)。

          通過快速審核之后,會在 1 天左右得到應(yīng)用是否審核通過的郵件。



          Dear Beijing *** Technology Co., Ltd.,
          The status for the following app has changed to In Review.

          App Name: ***
          App Version Number: 1.0
          App SKU: ***
          App Apple ID: ***
          To make changes to this app, go to My Apps on iTunes Connect.

          If you have any questions regarding your app, contact us.


          The App Store team


          Dear Beijing *** Technology Co., Ltd.,
          The status for the following app has changed to Pending Developer Release.

          App Name: ***
          App Version Number: ***
          App SKU: ***
          App Apple ID: ***
          To make this version available on the App Store, go to My Apps on iTunes Connect and release this version.

          If you have any questions regarding your app, contact us.


          The App Store team


          Hello ***,

          Thank you for contacting the App Store Review team. We are unable to accommodate your request for an expedited review at this time.

          While we do our best to accommodate requests for expedited reviews, unfortunately we are unable to grant every request due to our volume.

          Helping you get your app, IAPs, or bundle to the App Store is very important to us, and we are working hard to process all submissions as quickly as possible. Thank you for your understanding.

          Best Regards,

          App Store Review


          Urgent Bug Fix

          Dear App Store: 

          Name:***, Version: 0.8.0, Apple ID: ***

          We found some serious problems as stated below which affect user experience in our app. In the new version we have adjusted these serious problems. So we ask App Store request an expedited review.

          #1 Audio Asistant: 

          Step to reproduce the bug: When users enter makeup learning steps, there should be some audios that assist them to understanding and learning how to makeup. However, we found that in 0.8.0 version, audios do not play well sometime, so it also has been adjusted in the new version. 

          #2 Register & Login:

          Step to reproduce the problem: We believe that new users need to be registered when they start up the app, which has serious impacts on the user experience. 

          Solution: so we adjust the registration policy. New users can directly access to application and browse without registration. 

          #3 Layout & Interaction: 

          Step to reproduce the problem: According to the users feedback in 0.8.0, it is hard for users to operate and understand our app. 

          Solution: we re-planning the layout, adjust the interactive, reduce the user's learning cost and give them a better experience.

          Otherwise, our company will hold a strategy conference on April 6, in order to meet strategic conference publicity and and operation, we add "coupon" and other features in the new version.

          Therefore, we ask App Store request an expedited review, and hope to be able to be approved before the conference.

          We're looking forward to hearing from you soon!

          Best regards

          姑婆那些事兒ios快速審核服務(wù) 點(diǎn)擊 :http://www.3377on.com/zhuanti/3128.html




          姑婆那些事兒(www.3377on.com)是互聯(lián)網(wǎng)推廣運(yùn)營知識分享平臺,關(guān)注移動推廣(android,ios)運(yùn)營,網(wǎng)站推廣運(yùn)營、校園推廣及互聯(lián)網(wǎng)領(lǐng)域最新動態(tài) 。歡迎關(guān)注我們的微信(gupo520),新浪微博(姑婆那些事兒)。








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